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Georgia Business Litigation: Wage Disputes and Backpay

Sometimes, business owners in Georgia and elsewhere just cannot catch a break. There will always be employees who are not happy about something. Some will even pursue legal actions in an effort to seek compensation for any perceived losses they have allegedly sustained. For example, a company owner may face business litigation should a current or former employee file a claim over an alleged wage violation.

Wage violation claims are fairly common. Many have to do with pay rates, overtime pay or the failure to pay wages in a timely manner. Employees just want to be fairly compensated for their time and effort, which is understandable. If they feel they they have not been, they have two years from when the issue started to pursue legal actions as a means of seeking compensation.

When wage violation claims are filed, they are often resolved by issuing back pay. However, there certainly are times when an employer can and should stand his or her ground. This is when things may end up being resolved in court rather than through out-of-court negotiations. If such a claim does go to court, the plaintiff will likely seek more than just back pay for any wages that were supposedly not paid.

Business litigation when dealing with a wage violation dispute is not always necessary. Company owners in Georgia who are dealing with such a complaint may have other options for resolving the matter. An experienced attorney can assist those facing wage violation or other legal claims in pursuing the best courses of action for their situations.

Source:, “Backpay“, Accessed on Sept. 27, 2017

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